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Find your used refrigerated truck

Buying a used refrigerated truck cannot be rushed into. Not only do you need to check the condition of the vehicle, but also that of the refrigeration unit. You also need to confirm that it meets the requirements of your activity.

Vehicles undergo a 200-point inspection, including the refrigeration unit, before they are listed on our website. We select both light commercial vehicles with compact refrigeration units and heavy commercial vehicles with a greater load volume such as Renault Trucks D . Your choice will therefore depend on your activity and your projected development.

Rest assured, our experts specialise in the sale of refrigerated trucks. They are familiar with your activities and understand your constraints. They are here alongside you in your journey and will guide you before, during and even after you buy your used refrigerated vehicle.

27 search result(s)

Used refrigerated truck: make your choice according to your own criteria

To find the used refrigerated truck best suited to your activity, you can filter the listings by selecting your priority criteria. For example, if you are a caterer essentially delivering reduced volumes in town, and you only have a C-class license, you could filter the listings to display only LCVs with a weight of 3.5 tonnes or less. Similarly, if your activity is more based around temperature-controlled delivery of products, you can select a higher gross vehicle weight range and/or select the model type (such as Renault Trucks D) to find a larger refrigerated body. Selecting by model or entering minimum and maximum weights will display only the listings meeting your requirements. Of course, if mileage is the biggest characteristic behind your decision, you can select this too.

A tip from us: if you wish to target your search as much as possible, you can enter all of these criteria.

Your nearby used refrigerated truck, adapted to meet your requirements

The territorial grid of the Renault Trucks network, the number one service point network for LCV and HCV, enables us to offer you the largest number of vehicles near to your activity location. More than one hundred advisers specialising in used vehicles are available throughout Europe: either in one of our Used Vehicle centres or at our distributors. So, you will have the support of LCV and HCV experts when making your choice. Renault Trucks network personnel are familiar with not only the constraints specific to your area of business but also specific to used vehicles. They will know how to guide you in making your choice and even in configuring and adapting the truck according to your requirements. For example, they may suggest that you modify it using specific accessories available in the Renault Trucks catalogue. For more major adaptations, they may also adapt the vehicle in the Used Trucks Factory, located at the manufacturer's production facility in Bourg-en-Bresse, France.

Our used vehicle experts are not merely salespeople, they will assist you in ensuring that your used refrigerated truck is suited to your activity. By helping you choose the right financing package, the best insurance and a tailored service contract, our experts can assist you in providing the tools to ensure that your vehicle purchase does not create any problems for your activity; moreover, they will help to ensure that it prospers. Each listing on our website contains their contact details. Please do not hesitate to contact them to find out more about the vehicles that you have selected.